zaterdag, februari 24, 2007

PSV-FC Groningen

Saturday right now listening to PSV-Groningen (Internet radio) it still is 0-0 so let's go you boys in green and white.
Have a hangover man o man drank about 1,5 liters of cola already but
still have an dry mouth. First we had a couple of cola beerenburg so we had already had a lot of alcohol consumed before we went of in the city of Groningen. We visited almost every pub in the city last night(de Spieghel,Chadrak,Drie Gezusters etc) also an new thing located (another side of the street) by Discotheque Palace. Nice about 5 we went home ..sleep until 1.00 : ) This morning we first ate a big breakfast and after that watched the movie called good company nice feel good movie. And about 16:00 I went home were I enjoyed my further weekend with Bianca.

Nice evening, so now
let's listen to the Grunneger FC !
!!!And let's hope it stays 0-0 ore becomes 0-1 !!!
So to everyone have a great weekend.

vrijdag, februari 23, 2007


Howdy people, time for a little piece of text ..

Friday right now and I'm sitting alone in my leather chair listening to "who's gonna drive you home".. funny isn't it. I had a great day at the office today, just a fun day.
Great better best.. had a party with M & M a little bit to much..of alcohol feel not that good.
Tomorow nice relax evening with Marcel in Groningen, hope see nice movie and drink a little.

So speak ya laters.


zondag, februari 04, 2007

Nuclear ..........

This morning sat on the couch looked with a fresh hot cup of tea on the news page on
teletext(yeah I know). In Sweden a nuclear power plant was shut down an a second one also,
it was because it gave a serious threat to the people living in the neighborhood When a nuclear facility was shut down it isn't because of an broken window..
So this gave me a little of an strange feeling.. you'll never know. After that went outside to wash the car, it was a little chilly outside. But with wile washing you'll don't think about that.
It took me a while to get the car back in it's original color again and man the water was black !
Afterwords took Bianca on a visit at my parents had an little drink
over there and something to eat
it was very nice. Gave my father an
PDA for navigation in the car, the thing will not work on its battery it only works on power. So it's no problem to use it in the car while connected on the 12volt
cigarette lighter and have it parked in the cradle on the front window.
So after that went home where we sat on the couch with a nice cup of coffee.

So that's our
Sunday 4 February, greetings Diederick