donderdag, augustus 04, 2005


Yesterday evening we've had a nice chat with the people who bought our house.
I just pulled a large bottle of La Trappe, a nice tasty beer with 7% of alcohol, when the bell rang.
So after an hour of two chatting with this people, we chilled on for a while me trying to drink my La Trappe beer, and Bianca zapping the channels of the television.

But when I woke up this morning my tongue felt like dry carpet and will i'm typing this blog I still feel my tongue I need water.
After this weekend I'll be busy with the moving of my furniture and also wil have no internet for some weeks. So this Blog will be quit the next few week's but when I'm back online again there will be a lot to post.
One day to go and then weekend and the end of my job at Fu****n Cosmo.
So speak to you'll soon again....

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