zondag, januari 14, 2007

The Calender Incident...


Howdy people
time to pick up the blogging as an serious one..: )..also let's blog on.

Yesterday, (zat.13 January) we had like each year an birthday party of Jans in Sleen, it was
his 85Th birthday. As present the family had give m an self made birthday calender with
on every month the pictures of someone of the family. Nice ID and a nice result, but
where the hell was our picture ? and also no pictures of my parents in it !! That's not so
nice. So this party wasn't that cheerful ..but after a few beers and two vodka jus dórange
it became much nicer ; ).

After a couple of hours we went home were we sat an talked into the night before I slept on the couch and Bianca in bed.
It's Sunday now and I'm broken..

Speak ya next blog..(soon)

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