dinsdag, mei 16, 2006

Hirsi Ali .....

Today there' a lot of news around Hirsi Ali, the Dutch Democratic politician.
Here country of origin is Somalia, now she has lied about here name and country of origin and openly talked about that (Vara NO THANX)
When I got home Bianca was lookin TV the live debate in the Dutch parliament about minister Verdonk and Hirshi Ali.
My opinion about this; it's rather shameful where's the humanity in this parliament ? I'm not a fan of Hirshi Ali but this isn't what she deserves the latest news;
she leaves the country a soon as possible to accept an new job in the United States of America.
Ok don't blame her after such an hassle about nothing.
The Netherlands is getting smaller and smaller....and smaller
It's getting more and more like the USA also in politics it doesn't count about the issues but
only for personal enrichment. I also think, Rita Verdonk got this idea of an over enthusiast coworker to score personal points, man did he fail.....
This morning showed the last opinions abouts morning Mrs Verdonk didn't got that as much votes also last week (she's running for the democratic party).
Also the democratic party is getting less votes then last week after this bit of a hassle.
As we would say in Holland wie goed doet goed ontmoet !
After the death of Pim Fortuyn politics is only getting sicker sicker and sicker.
Speak ya all latersszzz

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